Why do we travel? Why did we decide to spend our time, money and energy to travel the last 15 years to remote parts of our world? And we’re not talking about chic holidays in resorts on a tropical beach or in a 5 star hotel in NY…
When we look back, there were many things that made our journeys “interesting”. 🙂 There were so many days full of dust or unbearable 100% humidity, rides, where we were totally cramped in local bus or train, and days, when we got ill from some interesting local tropical disease. So what’s the point? Well, people are different and it’s always great to hear why we/they decide to travel. Parties, animals, landscape, food, meeting local people or doing sport are just couple of things that make people enjoy their travels. For us it’s the mixture of everything. And if you ask our son – well, here is top ten in his opinion why he likes to travel:

1. Because we often sleep in a tent2. I can see wild animals and hear their voices around our tent

3. I like that we cook/eat a lot of pasta

4. We can see dust whirls and climb the sand dunes

5. Because at night there are so many stars above us

6. We swim in wild rivers

7. I like that we travel by boat

8. I like that I can learn how to shoot with a hunting bow with my new friends in an african village

9. I like to search around for the scorpions with my new friends

10. Because I am free and I don’t have to go to the kindergarden. 🙂


Is there something he desn’t like about traveling? Well, he could find just two reasons. Here they are:

1. I am affraid that a wild animal could eat me

2. I do not like the dirty toilets


And these were favourite trips of our kid till now: Namibia, Banyak archipelago in Sumatra.

What are your kid’s favourite trips?

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